Apart from research bridgeUkraine also delivers the Educate Ukraine programme, which educates Ukrainian engineers on Eurocode-based infrastructure design and construction, see more:
Capacity Building for Critical Infrastructure Restoration in Ukraine
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веб-сторінка українською мовою

we are committed to building post-war resilience into Ukraine’s critical infrastructure for a sustainable future
bridgeUkraine.org is a non-profit alliance of more than 45 practitioners, consultants, academics, institutions, and international bodies that are tasked to accelerate Ukraine’s critical infrastructure recovery

We accelerate peace building prioritisation and optimisation for critical infrastructure to support Ukraine’s people and economy by doing the following:
Establish a Community of Practice based on an alliance of engineers, academics, economists, and governmental bodies to build capacities and train Ukrainians for rebuilding infrastructures
Capacity-building programme “Empower Ukraine” to educate Ukrainian engineers on Eurocode-based infrastructure design and construction through comprehensive Continuing Professional Development sessions.
Develop and apply resilience frameworks using open digital data and crowdsourcing for optimal infrastructure reconstruction to incentivise the green transition in Ukraine for optimal resource allocation in infrastructure recovery.