To contribute to bridgeUkraine please fill this form We identify contributors to facilitate prioritisation and peacebuilding of damaged infrastructure in Ukraine. The following tasks are currently undertaken by members of the alliance: – Assessment of damaged infrastructure; – Reconstruction of bridges; – Assessment of critical infrastructure safety; – Eurocode-based designs and repair; – Asset management; – Procurement systems and tenders; – Contracts for infrastructure projects | Щоб зробити свій внесок у bridgeUkraine, будь ласка, заповніть цю форму Ми визначаємо учасників для сприяння пріоритезації та розбудові пошкодженої інфраструктури в Україні. На даний момент членами альянсу беруться такі завдання: – Оцінка пошкодженої інфраструктури; – Реконструкція мостів; – Оцінка безпеки критичної інфраструктури; – Проектування та ремонт на основі Єврокоду; – Управління об’єктами інфраструктруи; – Системи закупівель та тендери; – Контракти для інфраструктурних проектів |
Contributors (more than 35):
Name and Affiliation | Country | Assistance willing to provide | Expertise |
![]() ![]() Dr Stergios Mitoulis (founder) Dr Daniel Donaldson Dr Weiqi Hua, Joanne Leach | UK | Consultanion on application of Eurocodes, Consultation on using software, Training and lecturing, Design of prestressed bridge detailing | Help in developing a prioritisation system for critical infrastructure reconstruction, Resilience of energy systems |
![]() Civil & Environmental Engineering Dr Sotirios Argyroudis (founder), Prof Xiangming Zhou, Prof Alireza Mousavi | UK | Consultation on using software (geotechnical/ structural analysis), Geospatial analysis, Training and lecturing | Risk and resilience assessment of critical infrastructure, Reuse of waste construction materials, Sustainable solutions, AI/ML |
![]() Stanislav Gvozdikov (M.P. Shulgin State Road Research Institute State Enterprise – DerzhdorNDI SE) | Ukraine | Reconstruction and seminars | Bridge and road infrastructure data |
Dr Svitlana Krakovska (Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Institute) | Ukraine | Consultation on climate projections for Ukraine | Climate models |
![]() Marat Khodzhaiev, MSc (Amey, International Design Institute) | Ukraine | Bridge design, on-site investigations | Bridge engineering, Structural optimisation |
Prof Maria Pina Limongelli (Politecnico di Milano) | Italy | Application of Eurocodes, Geospatial analysis, remote sensing, Training and lecturing | Structural health monitoring, Bridges |
Dr Marco Domaneschi, Dr Valentina Villa (Politecnico di Torino – DISEG) | Italy | Application of Eurocodes, Training and lecturing, Review of design decisions and calculations | Reuse of waste construction materials, sustainability, circular economy |
A member of the Bartlett School of Sustainable Construction, UCL | UK | Expertise on stone and masonry bridges | Asset management, Risk Management |
Asst Prof Mathaios Panteli (University of Cyprus) | Cyprus | Consultation on resilience and assessment of energy infrastructure and interdependencies | Sustainable energy systems |
Dr Clemente Fuggini (RINA S.p.A) | Italy | Consultation on informed recovery prioritisation for infrastructure assets | Resilient transport networks against extreme events |
Stephen Dargan Sidgwick (Frankham Consultancy Group) | UK | Eurocodes, software, Geospatial analysis, Remote sensing, Design decisions, Training and lecturing | Asset management, Building Surveying, Risk Management, Project Management |
Prof Issaak Parcharidis, Triantafyllos Falaras, MSc (Harokopio University) | Greece | Processing of optical and SAR images concerning local infrastructures | Geospatial analysis, Remote sensing |
Dr Sotiris Valkaniotis (Democritus University of Thrace) | Greece | Processing of optical and satellite imagery, UAV photogrammetry | Geospatial analysis, Remote sensing |
Douglas Finger de Lemos, MSc (FS Bridge Inspection Services Engineering consulting) | Brazil/UK | Review of design decisions and calculations, Bridge inspections and equipment (drones, cameras, boroscope) | Experience inspecting in adverse environments and conflicted areas, UN volunteer |
Prof Nataliya Shakhovska, Assoc Prof Ivan Izonin, Myroslav Havryliuk, Kyrylo Yemets, Nadiia Kopiika, Assoc Prof Khrystyna Myroniuk (Lviv Polytechnic National University) | Ukraine | Application of AI/ML, Training and lecturing | Developing AI solutions, Big data, VR/AR Reconstruction of bridges Windtunnel testing, air quality |
Prof Viacheslav Kovtun (Vinnytsia National Technical University) | Ukraine | Info-communication technologies, ML, Pattern Recognition | ML solutions |
Dr Roman Odarchenko (CEO, Scientific Cyber Security Association) | Ukraine | Consultation in regulations, planning, Training and lecturing | Cyber security and related fields |
Dr Olha Mamchur (Assoc Prof, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv) | Ukraine | Consultation on regulations, reforms, planning | Geospatial analysis, remote sensing |
Dave Cousins (Accolade Measurement) | UK | Consultation in structural health monitoring and load testing technologies | Restoration and monitoring of bridges |
Giuseppe Colamarino (Arup) | UK/Worldwide | Geospatial analysis, remote sensing, Training and lecturing, Review of design decisions and calculations | Geotechnical Engineer |
Pavlos Krassakis, MSc (CERTH & Harokopio University) | Greece | Collection of geospatial data (open-access geoportals and network datasets), Development of geodatabases | Geospatial intelligence for risk assessment |
![]() Georgia Kalousi, MSc (Terra Spatium SA) | Greece | Consultation on using software, Review of design decisions and calculations | Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing |
Assoc Prof Alex Altshuler (University of Haifa) | Israel | Fostering inclusive and multi-disciplinary resilience | Social sciences |
Sokratis Moutsianos (Robert Bird Group) | UK | Consultation on using software and structural analysis | Structural engineering |
Konstantinos Katirtzoglou (WSP) | UK | Review of design decisions and calculations | Structural bridge engineering |
Andrea Barbieri (Costain) | UK | Eurocodes, Use of software, Review of design decisions | Principal Civil & Structures Engineer |
Yevgen Sayenko (Jacobs) | UK | Digitalisation, Automation and Lean Design and Construction | Civil Engineering Projects |
Snizhana Zahorodnia (Institute of Telecommunications and Global Information Space, National Academy of Sciences) | Ukraine | Geospatial analysis, remote sensing | Training and lecturing |
Łukasz Topczewski (Topczewski Solutions Engineering consulting) | Poland | Consultation on use of regulations, planning, Training and lecturing | Structural health monitoring, Non destructive testing for concrete bridges |
Dr Anthos Ioannou (Neapolis University Paphos) | Cyprus | Eurocodes, Review of design decisions | Structural Engineer |
Dr David Garcia Sanchez (TECNALIA) | Spain | Inspection and damage assessment | Structural Engineer |
Dr Sergey Shcherbina (IGPH NAS) | Ukraine | Geospatial analysis, remote sensing | Geophysics, Monitoring systems/sensors |
Andreas Karavias, MSc (CERTH) | Greece | Geospatial analysis | GIS, remote sensing |
Yuri Petryna (Technische University Berlin) | Germany | Consultation and training on reconstruction strategy and investments | Structural Engineer |
Prof Behzad Behdani (University of South-Eastern Norway) | Norway | Training and lecturing | Business, strategy and political sciences |
Assoc Prof Yiping Fang (CentraleSupelec, Universite Paris Saclay) | France | Consultation on optimal design | Resilience of energy and transport infrastructure |
Kyriakos Papadopoulos, MSc | Denmark | Review of design decisions and calculations | Contract’s management, budgeting |
Michael Prihoda | United States | Consultation on multispectal imagery | GIS / Remote sensing |
Muhammad Kadri Zamad (Pusat Studi Gempa Sulawesi) | Indonesia | Consultation on using software, Review of design calculations | Bridge engineer |
This webpage will be updated on a regular basis.